Friday, January 1

Day One


I am getting older and I am losing my hair
Unlike other men I just don’t care
My self-image is not connected to the follicles on my head
I determine my self-worth by what I do instead

Day one of another year is already here
2015 is now a blast form the past
Memories of work and play cause me to know I chose the right way
Conflict and sorrow caused by our human condition keeps me wishing….

That we could see past the color of our skin; the differences between our respective beliefs and religion; so that we could all see that we suffer our own personal version of human
Greed and corruption created legislation that has lessened this once great nation to a state of decadence and consumption

Hate and fear used to divide
Tools of oppression used to persuade you to pick a side
Open that fist and look inside
You already have the power to withstand this counter-productive design

Be the change you want to be
No longer wallow in your misery
Take the initiative to selflessly help another
Remind a stranger we are all sisters and brothers from the same metaphorical mother

Day one is your time to be resurrected
You get to decide which direction you are headed
Your dreams are a reality waiting to be created
For this work intensive labor two hands of fate were naturally selected

There is much to be done before this battle is won
Kings and Queens sit atop their thrones
Ancient Aristocratic families sit in their self-indulgent and extravagant homes
Stop toiling in their fields and join me as a freed daughter or son

Their life is a result of the strength of our backs, the blood from our veins, and the sweat from our collective brow
Yet, we are expected to be grateful for the scraps, and give a courteous bow
Open your eyes to the light of our shared sun
Day one is the day this cycle is undone

Tomorrow is full of hope
Tomorrow is full of promise
To me a united species is going to be incomparably dope
To me the only way this can happen is to lovingly and compassionately embrace all that we know to exist

Day one is today, what will you do this year to improve our world?

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