Thursday, December 8

I Dream of a Nightmare

A school with dark, foreboding clouds overhead
Bows of five ships slip beneath the cover of the clouds
The keels slide through the sky like a vessel on a flat, calm surface of water

I Stand at a window facing the street in front of the house where I was raised
A tumultuous storm, ravaged by thunder and lightning, approaches swiftly

An unsettling sound from the nearby bathroom grabs my attention
A hooded and cloaked figure disappears into the shadows
Inside the bathroom a swirling portal is open- nothing has appeared from the other side

I throw an oval shaped metal object into the bathroom, and turn around
A winged, horned creature, with an arrow-shaped, barbed tail, is perched in a corner

I crawl into a bed in a bedroom in the basement, next to the stairs
A black canine guardian sits in a defensive position at the edge of the bed, facing the door
A voice beckons me, a silhouette stares at me

The black canine guardian leaps from the bed to investigate, to smell the apparition
The shadow vanishes, the door closes, and my guardian is locked on the other side

Its voice beckons me
The silhouette waits at the edge of the bed
An arm covered with triangular spikes reaches for me

Help me!
Help me!
I plead
I wake at 2 am with open eyes