Tuesday, May 27

Reeds by the River

Reeds by the River dance back and forth
Nature’s voice imposes her force
In plain sight a message is hidden
Will anyone listen?

Calmly the breeze passes through the trees with ease before it flows into the river and drops into the reeds

Up in the sky she rushes at a bird’s eye until she sees people who can fly and sucks into the airplane’s turbine

Down she Spirals
Into Wild Fires
Monstrous Spires
Deadly Desires

Stir the Debris
Left by this Decayed Tree
Nurture the Soil
Undo Death’s Coil

Calmly the breeze passes through the trees with ease before it flows into the river and drops into the reeds

A subtle whisper on the wind touches my skin with a gentle caress that tears away the mental burden of mortal sin

Reeds by the River dance back and forth
Nature’s voice imposes her force
In plain sight a message is hidden
Will anyone listen?

Tuesday, May 20

Open Eyes

I have awakened from a lucid dream. A haze has lifted from my eyes. Clarity has returned to my thoughts. I am me again.

Saturday, May 17

Oligarchic State

Corporations in America have aggregated the majority of wealth in this country into the hands of a minute percentage of our population. We are all people participating in the struggle to survive in a destructive and chaotic cosmos. Yet, we allow these individuals who have usurped the authority of government through financial oppression to behave in a criminal manner which is counter-productive to the overall progress of our species, and this also has negative consequences on our environment. The only way we can replace this oligarchic state is to educate ourselves in literature and language so thoroughly that we can create legislation which is able to regulate the greed and arrogance of these insolent few. Now is the time to join together. Now is the time to take the first step into the future. One question remains; will we be slaves or a unified collective?

Thursday, May 8

A note to a loving mother

Another Mother’s day approaches with the same question in mind, what can I give my mother to show my appreciation? Words cannot express the profound gratitude that resides in my consciousness for this woman. She sacrificed her most valuable asset to raise five incredible children and one husband: her time. 

Sacrifice has many rewards. The children she has taught and loved have now become responsible adults who contribute a positive attitude, and a progressive view of the world to any circumstance we are involved with. We were taught to view everyone as our family and give them the unconditional love our mother and father gave us.  We were taught to think for ourselves and stand for what we believe in. Confidence without arrogance; Education without ignorance; Unbridled Passion for your individuality; Compassion for the well-being of others; these values and many more were taught to our family at a very early age. 

People who meet my sisters and I are instantly drawn to our personalities, perceptions, ideas, and attitudes. This can all be attributed to the nurturing we received from two wonderful parents who complimented one another so perfectly. Since this holiday is dedicated to the mother I will focus on her. The role of the mother is the nurturer, and is defined by the Webster dictionary as follows: “the sum of the environmental factors influencing the behavior and traits expressed by an organism”. Every “momma’s boy” can agree their mother is in fact defined by this word. There was a book I once read, (I cannot recall the name), about a man whose mother would rock him to sleep every single night. This trend continued into his adult life. 

I am now 27 years old. In my short time in this world I have tried to comfort my chaotic soul in so many ways. I have attempted to calm the nervous energy causing the overwhelming anxiety that drives me to action instead of insanity. Nothing has been found since my youth. The comfort and security of a mother’s embrace can make the most excruciating, painful, and even most of the embarrassing moments disappear almost immediately. This is why I can give nothing that would come close to what she has given me.

A friend of mine who recently lost his mother told me everything good inside of him came from her. Genetics determine who we are. Two people combined their codes to create me. I know without a doubt in my mind the sincere compassion and kindness that is the root of my unconditional love for the people of our species is part of my genetic code because of my mother Ann S. Lemon. She is an extraordinary person who uses her talents to show people how incredible they are as well. I love my mother, and I am overjoyed to have the opportunity to be her son. 

Any man with a mother like mine should make sure she knows you love her. Give her a hug and make sure she knows what she has done for you. All a mother ever wants to know is that her children are going to survive and flourish. My mother should know the last seven years of hard work and struggle are dedicated to her. When I was lost in the struggles with the darkness in my subconscious mind she was there to help me stand back up, and regain control of a life that was lost. The stability and happiness I now have in my life is a result of her unflinching desire to see her son reach his potential. I have followed Robert Frost’s advice and taken the path less traveled, and if it were not for the tools my mother had equipped me with I probably would not have survived the journey. The life I create from here will be a monument to her love. This is for my mother; thank you, thank you.

I love you mother,

Laron Robert Lemon