Thursday, January 5


2017 is finally here
Look at the new horizon, and let go of your FEAR
This is OUR year

WE are many, and they are few
This is why it is clear to me what OUR generation must do

WE must bear the torch of work and discipline
So that WE can improve this world WE live in

There are pivotal points throughout history that write what OUR future will be
WE can wait idly by while the past writes OUR misery
I suggest WE stand up to the call to be OUR best

Look at yourSELF in the mirror
See the force for POSITIVE change standing there
Prepare yourSELF for the challenges WE will face this year

OUR world is on fire
Evil men and women stand at the pyre

Will WE let them turn OUR kingdom to ash?
Or will WE stand up against the injustices of OUR past?

OUR species has the potential to be extraordinary
First we must address the prejudices developed throughout OUR story

The divisiveness of race, religion, and politics caused us to forget WE are inherently the same
WE are ONE people trying to play the same game
The purpose of life until now has been to gain fortune and fame

I think OUR instincts for survival cause US to desire compassion, diversity, and inclusion over  the oppression of OUR people through the classification of groups with terms designed for the purpose of division and separation

Now is OUR time to rise to the challenges OUR people face
This call to action goes out to everyone on OUR planet, not just these American states

WE must stand up for OUR right to chase OUR dreams and passions
WE must fight the desire to accept defeat by living in the shadows cast by previous generations

YOU are STARDUST fallen from the heavens
Never forget this LIFE lesson

WE are children of the stars
Let YOUR light shine through these prison bars

WE do not have to live OUR parent's sorrow
WE can create a better world for TOMORROW

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