Tuesday, June 30

A Loaded Question Deserves a Lengthy Answer

Enough time has passed to let go of the pain that once lingered from a broken heart. I decided to start with online dating since the solitude of the last six months has removed many of the relationships I once had with females. I post this with optimism that it might help someone else who struggles with consequences resulting from the selfish and cruel decisions of others.

"Any particular reason you've not been chilling out and partying?"

Hmm... your question is tough for me to answer, but I guess that is why I am on this site isn't it. I have never really been a monogamous person. Honesty is very important to me though, so romantic relationships in my past were mostly open. Last year I committed to someone who I thought was committed to me and it turned out to be untrue. All of my love, all of my passion was devoted to that relationship- to her. When it ended I almost did with it.

Being a man who has profound emotions and deep connections with our universe I tend to take emotional pain very harshly. I think as people we have a "thirst" (desire) for life that is powerful and insatiable from the moment we are born. When we split this fire burning brightly in my core dwindled to a flicker barely noticeable in the darkness of night. I did not think of suicide like some would expect; instead apathy and bitterness overwhelmed me.

People became a nuisance to me and the intense love for our species I once had almost disappeared. I withdrew to the mountains to find my solace, as I always do. After several months of intentional isolation I realized something was missing. One afternoon I sat on a peak that overlooked the Salt Lake valley and I knew instantly why I still felt so empty inside- I missed people.

Thank you for asking. I am going to walk my dog to unwind this pink meat inside my head.

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