Thursday, November 10

Chakras- Energy Zones of Matter

This post is dedicated to a person I have slowly had the pleasure of getting to know via emails (20th/21st century pen pals). Every week (usually Thursday or Friday) she sends out an energy reading/projection from a woman named Elizabeth Peru. Although I do not believe in any deity who has control/influence over the events of the cosmos, and the individual entities that reside therein, I do believe we are all beings composed of matter and energy. 

My dear friend, thank you for the positive reinforcement, and allowing me to know a beautiful mortal coil that is accompanied by an even more beautiful mind. 

Matter: physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.

Energy: the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity; power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.

There are eight main Chakras; all of which have ‘”mini-chakras” that contribute to their overall function. The Muladhara Chakra, Svadhishthana Chakra, Manipura Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddhi Chakra, Agya Chakra, Bindu Chakra, and the rarely opened Sahasrara Chakra. I like to think of these as the energy that stabilizes, and contains our individual matter- allowing us to exist in this form.

The Muladhara Chakra is your root center, which correlates to the feet. This is what grounds you to this earth, and keeps you ‘planted’. Whenever I feel disconnected from the world around me I walk around barefoot. The dirt and grass between my toes reminds me of the physical world I am a part of. Since the chakras activate in sequence, from the feet to just above the head, it is mandatory that the Muladhara Chakra is active before any others will be able to activate.

Our coccyx/lower abdominals (below belly button) are associated with the Svadhishthana (sacral) Chakra. This chakra is connected with our sense of taste, and reproduction (testes/ovaries). Emotions and the subconscious mind are raw and powerful- delusion, destructiveness, and suspicion often accompany the affections and sexual desires of this chakra. Supposedly harnessing, and controlling through the activation of the volatile water energy contained within this Chakra will provide clarity and eloquence.

Manipura Chakra is the third, and is located above the navel, slightly below the solar plexus. This is our “core”- associated with the eyes and movement (i.e. connected to the feet). All of our creative, and destructive powers reside within this chakra.  This centralized chakra is where our power to create, or to destroy resides. Breathing techniques (diaphragm breathing/meditation) and dietary modifications can re-activate a closed Manipura Chakra (stress is a bitch for this chakra).

Anahata Chakra is located near the heart. When someone tells you to follow your heart, this is what they mean. When this chakra is open and active you are able to free yourself from your base desires of the previous Chakras, and listen to the higher chakras, who will direct you to your personal fulfillment. Masters of this chakra are said to be excellent orators, maintain a powerful presence wherever they are, and can leave the body at will (wouldn’t that be awesome!). Since this is associated with skin and hands, this chakra affects your decisions significantly (follow your heart to find your dreams).

Vishuddhi/Vishudda Chakra is located in your throat, near the spine. Creativity, self-expression, and higher discrimination (more or less the ability to determine the best choices for you) are the positive functions of this chakra. When this chakra closes decay, and even death can result. The mouth and the ears are our physiological components that allow us to speak and hear- which is how a person can activate this chakra. Always remembering that we have two ears and one mouth is a good way to maintain an open, and activated Vishuddhi/Vishudda Chakra.

Agya/ Ajna Chakra is located between our eyebrows, and is often referred to as the ‘third eye’.  This is where our intuition and intellect originate. This creates the boundary between human (personal) and divine (cosmic) consciousness.  When a person activates this chakra the egocentric intellect surrenders to the higher, ethical, reasoning power of discrimination (omniscience) that will grant the person . Whenever a person is confused, lost, and/or empty this Chakra is probably closed; constant meditation on this chakra is required to maintain its activation.

Bindu Chakra is located on the back of the head, beneath the whirl of hair, where people often have a cowlick. Bindu fluid is created here and sent to be purified by the  Vishuddhi/Vishudda Chakra. Since the fluid contains a poison, and a nectar, mental and physical health will decline when the Vishuddhi/Vishudda Chakra is closed. Concentration on the Bindu Chakra relieves anxiety, depression, nervousness, feelings of oppression; bestowing physical health, mental health, vitality, and youthfulness from the production of  “the nectar of immortality”.

Sahasrara Chakra is located on top of, or just above the head, representing the highest state of existence. Ignorance fades with the attainment of supreme consciousness and the revelation of Divine Splendor. When this Chakra is activated the individual soul is reunited with the Cosmic Consciousness- causing stillness of mind, and liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death.

Medhā Shakti is the inexhaustible source of our energy that flows from the Cosmic to the self through the Sahasrara Chakra- excitement, stress, sexual intercourse, strong emotions, gossip, brooding, and worrying deplete the energy we receive from the Cosmic Divine. Anger, hate, jealousy, unresolved conflict, thoughts of revenge, and resentment will block our connection to this flow of energy, slowly closing the chakras. Since this is the raw power of action and existence it is wise to monitor the levels of energy you receive so that you can increase, or decrease the flow, depending on what you need.

The book, “Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength”, discusses an energy tank the authors defined as “Willpower”. Their idea is that we have one energy tank to use all day long, and everything we do uses energy from that tank. While reading this book the thought occurred to me that, if what they claimed is true, I would be able to redirect energy used for one thing to another.

Over the last two years I have practiced, and learned how to transfer energy from one region (chakra) of the body to another. Once stored in the new region, I am able to utilize this energy to enhance performance, and to increase efficacy. Balance is a difficult thing to master though, and I was not aware the consequences of such energy transfers would often be an imbalance within my own chakras. 

What Chakras/energy zones do you think are blocked in your mortal coil? How do you plan to activate these Chakras? 

                                     All My Love, 

                                                           Laron R. Lemon

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