Friday, October 9



We have all been deceived. From the moment we were born lies trickled into our ears. God does not exist. 

Truth is a relative perception used to convince you of an ideology which uses this fictitious character to control you. Individualistic desires are a result of your education. Narcissistic behaviors caused by your submission transformed you into a blind deaf cripple.

Intelligence, logic, and reason cannot be removed. Our brain was developed by a multitude of complex processes to create this superlative system.  Knowledge is power. When someone reads, watches, and listens their ears send this information to their brain to be saved and analyzed. Therefore, it is an inevitably for people to realize their reality is different from what they were taught when a sign from our immediate environment is noticed.

Denial will cause some to choose death. They oppose their senses- they oppose their consciousness (i.e. brain) and embrace an ideology which stimulates ignorance.

Acceptance of this eternal truth will cause a deep and immovable love for Life. Connections of molecular, biological, chemical, and social systems will reveal how complex of an organism our cosmos actually is. Questions will fill your mind with unease and sickness. Disassociation from society for introspection and observation of other people will lead to a detachment from an ideology of oppression, consumption, destruction, and ignorance.

Sadness will be overcome with a sudden and unthinkable joy that overwhelms your senses. You are no longer you. 

An ant is no longer an ant. A bird is no longer a bird. Waves in an ocean are not waves in one ocean. Rivers are not rivers. 

People are organisms which consist of other organisms. People are organisms within, and surrounded by other living, breathing, loving, sensing, surviving, life-creating organisms which co-exist to create our planet, our universe, up and unto our cosmos. 

Awareness of your world and universe connects you to our cosmos. A profound sense of wonder and fulfillment of your self occurs when you can actually let go of being an individual. You are no longer you. We are a species with a responsibility to create a future for all that we know. We are a part of our cosmos. 

I wish you all the best. Much Love. 


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