Monday, January 9



the state or fact of existing;  being.
continuance in being or life; life: a struggle for existence.
mode of existing: They were working for a better existence.
all that exists: Existence shows a universal order.
something that exists;  entity; being.
Miriam-Webster Online
a obsolete : reality as opposed to appearance b : reality as presented in experience c (1) : the totality of existent things (2) : a particular being <all the fair existences of heaven — John Keats> d : sentient or living being : life
a : the state or fact of having being especially independently of human consciousness and as contrasted with nonexistence <the existence of other worlds> b : the manner of being that is common to every mode of being c : being with respect to a limiting condition or under a particular aspect
: actual or present occurrence <existence of a state of war>

I am not a prophet. I am not a philosopher. I am a simple man from humble beginnings.

Existence is a topic of thorough research that was introduced into the curriculum of my life late in my adolescence. Born to a family of Latter Day Saints I was introduced to an obscure ideology that is nothing other then a conglomeration of all of the religious rhetoric known to Joseph Smith at the time he organized their church. Friendships that have come and gone opened my vision to perceptions differing from that of my parents. Vexed by the multitude of  differing beliefs held by my peers I was unable to sit idle in the comfort of my parents thoughts on this reality. Searching through the text that I have the opportunity to read I found many answers, however, none of them were to the ultimate questions I wanted answered. Endless hours of study, discussion, and pondering have been utilized on the research necessary to find these answers I so utterly yearn for.

Today marks a grand day in my life.  I have answered nothing, yet I am satisfied. Content for the first time in so many years I sit at this keyboard with tears my eyes because I know I no longer have to search. The answers I have been looking for are all around me. Whether there is an eternal recurrence, an after life, reincarnation, or simply death, I no longer care to search for what will actually come to pass. All of the organization and systems of control which have allowed few to benefit from the back  breaking and tedious labor of the majority is absolutely imperative to the progression of mankind. Although at times negative consequences are imposed on people who we do not see as fit to deserve such a result from their actions, in the grand scheme of life it is critical in their instance so that another may enjoy a moment of their own. We are pursuing our own end, and when we reach it we will start a new beginning. So my friends remember every moment as if it was your last. Existence is eternal and we are bound to it. Creation is an endless chain using the expression of our individuality as the strength that binds it together. Tomorrow go out and try to make the person next to you happy, and if you do I am optimistic that soon we will all be able to die with a smile.

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