Sunday, December 26

A rant

Staring in the face of death itself the revelation of the frail nature of your existence begins to impose its melancholy upon you. Once a thriving personification of the exuberance of life; a vessel of mundane conception now lies motionless at your feet. The luster of mortality faded from the pores, the lips paled by hues of gray, diminish the ever vibrant passion that once stood on this mantle of humanity. The strands of hair lay limp against the silent station that held the nucleus of her mortality.
     Extremities fallen softly against sheets of somber temperament convey the passing of her grace from the container of her beauty. Left alone in the solace of a contentious world the emptiness  of the void enters into her ever faithful companion. A disheartening sight for a battered soul left with only memories of the moments shared and those that never were, and never will be.
    Exerting sorrow over the frustration of feeling helpless against the onslaught of death has taken one that has cared for so many with no thought of receiving any kindness in return. Through this melancholy a beacon of remembrance sparks hope in a tunnel of darkness. The knowledge that this woman that dedicated her life to the service of others is no longer bound by the shackles of our mortal coil allows one to understand that this piece of flesh and bone is nothing more than a vessel to carry us from one point in our journey to the next. Decaying rapidly before your eyes you begin to be succumb by the departure of her intelligence from this plane. Exalting her very being to a state of ecstasy that will bring her to a point where she can fulfill the lives of those she has cared for in a fashion that would not be possible inside the meager frame that has been left for us to honor. A simple metaphor left as a reminder to all that this is only a stage of preparation for a journey that will transcend the confines of human understanding.
   Regrets for moments lost are an inevitable reaction to the strife undergone with the viewing of the pains of the living as they transition to the company of the deceased. Fleeting thoughts of times when choices were made to lead you away from spending quality hours with the boatman's newly found companion cry forth an agony that chokes the words of comprehension from your throat. While the consolation of friendly arms do little to bring solace to an aching heart.
   Against this tide of misery, through your tears of sadness, your eyes become opened to the translation of a mortal to omnipotence. Leaving behind a world built by the foolish hands of man she has entered into a new chapter written only for those that have proven themselves through the selfless dedication to the progress of their posterity by implementing the wisdom of sacrifice attained during the struggles presented in this life. A wisdom attained by resisting the banality of apathy and lethargy that detract so many from the attention needed to satisfy the innate emotional, physical, and intellectual necessities and desires of those less fortunate then yourself. This example of benevolence is yet another proof of how one person can continue to strive for a charity that accelerates growth and stagnates the decadence of a world redefined to persuade all to condemn themselves to an idle mind, and an idle body.


  1. Bobby! Thank you for sharing such deep emotions and perspectives. I find your writing interesting in that you let the reader have a little taste of what you are thinking, but you don't reveal enough to explicitly convey the whys, hows, or whole story. It is very thought provoking, yet leaves the reader wondering... Intriguing.

    I especially like the line, "this piece of flesh and bone is nothing more than a vessel to carry us from one point in our journey to the next..." You are quite right that life on this earth is only a small part of our journey and I like how you used such descriptive words to create a picture in the reader's head. You are also right that what awaits us on the other side depends on the way we live now and the sacrifices we make here. You depicted that in such an interesting and sobering, yet still slightly motivating, way.

    PS I love that you started a blog. Hope you'll put a few pics and life updates up here once in awhile too. :) You are too handsome not to put pics up once in awhile. Love you!

    PSS There is no way you could be the bane of anyone's existence. You are too awesome. Ha!

  2. All I can say is wow! I love it...I will say more when I have more time. I also love to write, and I love that you have started this blog. Your writing has so many layers to it. So far, I have only read "The Rant" but I look forward to reading the other post, and hopefully many more to come. You have inspired me to post more original writing on my blog. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Laron I love this. It seems that every word is carefully chosen and each sentence composed to elicit in the reader a unique confrontation with death. I love this line "Fleeting thoughts of times when choices were made to lead you away from spending quality hours with the boatman's newly found companion"
