Monday, March 30

Past Future and Present

Anger and resentment from a love lost fade into my past

Optimism and desire shine in my eyes as I stand in front of the door to my future

Urgency in relation to the completion of individual projects is no longer present

The river of life embraces my will to float her waters as I stop swimming against her current

Amidst the crashing waves and aquatic life I take a long desired nap

Wednesday, March 11

Thoughts on Seclusion and Repulsion

Melancholy and introspective thoughts woke me early this morning; a frustration in regard to my misconception of her aversion to me. A person, whose avoidance of me I thought was due to my lack of participation in our palpable chemistry, actually despises my very existence because of what I represent to her: unorthodox and opposing religious and ideological values. I was confused and perceived her completely wrong.

A residual emotional pain lingers from her subtle behavior. All she did was tighten her muscles in her face and neck slightly as she walked by when I said hello to her. Whether involuntary or not, her reaction spoke volumes of how she perceives me. I am a physical representation of a moral and ethical set of values and ideals which she believes (or was taught to think she believes) are wrong or “evil”. To find out someone who I thought was attracted to me was in fact repulsed was devastating to my self-confidence and an image of my self that I created.

When Cassie and I split I made a conscious decision to avoid social interaction which did not include some type of mental or physical stimulus I consider more evolved than our carnal instincts and desires. I also decided to ignore anyone of the opposite sex who showed any signs of interest or whom I sensed chemistry with. It would be easy to say this withdrawal was a defense mechanism of someone with a proverbial broken heart (I will admit this is partially true). In this instance it was more of a calculated move I made in an attempt to utilize all of my potential energy.

 I view my tangible self as a biological-biochemical system. Any output is a direct result of what is input into my system. Therefore, sexual intercourse and the preceding interactions required to achieve such an act would reduce my overall potential energy available for endeavors of time I perceive as more meaningful; music composition, climbing, mountain biking, trail running, studying, and writing. It would be counter-intuitive for an individual to consider any activity that would not benefit them or assist them in the eventual completion of their goals. Her subtle, yet painstakingly obvious disgust of my voice and presence has caused me to question development of reclusive behaviors in me.

Social engagement with our species is a natural desire and absolutely necessary to achieve personal happiness. Validation and acceptance are taught to us from the moment we are born. I think this is why profound relationships of love create a lingering desire for similar companionship should that original bond dissolve. Ferdinand is a great companion pet canine. However, he is just a canine and as such he cannot fulfill my desire for companionship with a compatible woman. How long can I continue living in solitude when I am a social animal?

Instinctively I have to answer, “not very long”.

Another depressing effect of this encounter was that I questioned my social skills and how much interest listeners actually have in words I speak. As a writer I tend to be able to flow freely and clearly construct sentences in a competent way that is easily understood by a reader. Quite often (more frequently as of these last two months) I find myself in a hysterical fit of laughter or thoroughly entertained by what I said in a conversation. When I open my eyes to see what reactions people around me have I am surprised to see their behavior is awkward and uncomfortable. Oh how trite and conceited this sounds to me as I write this!

What importance and weight do words I utter actually carry? Is there meaning and substance to my words or do these listeners simply hear ramblings of a genius who has slipped into a deranged and disillusioned insanity? In order to improve who and what I am I must first admit my flaws are real and cause negative consequences to me, and more importantly to other people.

I write much better than I speak because of the enormous amount of time spent on one versus the other. When I speak my words have lost much, if not all, of their meaning. I am often distracted by thoughts about music theory and composition or writing and so a conversation happening presently is an afterthought rather than the focus of my attention. This fault of mine has sealed my proverbial Vishuddha (throat) Chakra and caused an almost complete dissolution of a fundamental principle of communication: listening. I do not listen to most of what people have to say and as a result they care not for what I say.

To me listening is a behavior which indicates concern for another individual’s existence and what gives their life meaning and substance. I had forgotten this and because of my lapse in judgment I now find myself overcome with grief in light of my foolishness. I am sorry to those I have hurt.

None of this was intended. Over the last few months I developed the necessary habits to work rigorously and study consistently. A peculiar change in what I desire has happened. Instead of social interactions which would validate my work and create a sense of acceptance into a social group, I now desire mental and physical exercise. Consequently, desire for non-formal social occasions (i.e. chilling/hanging out) has diminished significantly over these last two months.

When I have attended such occasions I have found myself lost in thoughts about music theory and composition, or physical exercise. Of course this meant I was distracted from a conversation I was currently involved with and it would be difficult for the other person not to notice and eventually lose interest as well.

Reclusive behaviors increase how much time is available to work on personal projects and professional endeavors. However, social connections and opportunities would decrease (which would possibly limit non-academic educational experiences). So I must wonder if happiness provided by a social lifestyle is interchangeable with satisfaction achieved through fruits of my labors. I cannot believe periods of seclusion are not beneficial, but I must admit my neglect of friends new and old was wrong.

Today I am faced with my fallibility and I am glad to be humbled by it. In time my work will be complete, and it will only be perceived as excellent should I know excellent people.  The only way possible to intimately and truly know someone is to listen. Education is stimulated by exchanges of ideas and thoughts. I must return to this valuable skill and master it. Only through reading and listening to words spoken by others can I increase the power and effectiveness of my own. I challenge anyone who reads this to do the same. Good luck.