A flawed character corrupted by an egocentric, self-indulgent seed which was planted during the developmental stages of her youth was cultivated by the environmental influences of a consumer based philosophy engrained into the society her money driven parents chose to accept. Consequently, no matter how motivated she was to overcome this debilitating quality of her personality, no matter how profound her attachment to him may have ever become, the result of the indoctrination of her youth will always leave an imprint on her soul so deep that the divide between a man of discipline and pure philosophy with a woman so superficial and narcissistic would be at such an insurmountable distance that the knowledge of one another’s true self would always be incomprehensible. Fear of the unknown would stimulate an aggravation that would undermine any possibility for the two to dance in the ballroom together as one. The music has stopped, the affluent suitors have taken their place beside her, and he has left her to the tainted devices of the wealthy. Pain is redemption. Sorrow is the only savior. The cold touch of solitude that burns also purifies. Significance and meaning can only be found through purpose of self and the expression of the ego; in other words, devotion of your will to others. May misery find her, and break her soul so that she may experience joy in this life.
Hindsight reveals what she was trying to hide
Hindsight reveals what she was trying to hide
The incredible emptiness inside
An elegantly crafted porcelain face
Concealing the truly grotesque form that causes her so much disgrace
Pretending to be an angel in purgatory
To hide the truth that she is a succubus living in debauchery
Webs of lies she has made spin around her head
Until she is so confused she walks and acts like the walking dead
An immaculately constructed charade
Two partners dancing at a masquerade
Two partners dancing at a masquerade
A vague disturbance in the air
Makes her intentions unclear
He waits patiently for the mask to drop
She waits nervously for the music to stop
She waits nervously for the music to stop
Paranoia, Insecurity, Uncertainty, Viciousness, Maliciousness, Narcissism, and Fear
Contradict the nurturing mother; a loving, caring, playful, mindful, and kind person who drew him near
Wandering eyes
Suspicions arise
A broken heart cries
While waiting for their demise
Words turned
Bridges burned
Callously insulted
Perceptions jolted
The clock strikes midnight
The music goes silent
Solace is brought into this solitude by the beat of a weary heart
Proving the ability to love, and be loved is an eternal truth waiting for us all to play our part
The clock strikes midnight
The music goes silent
Solace is brought into this solitude by the beat of a weary heart
Proving the ability to love, and be loved is an eternal truth waiting for us all to play our part