2012 is now at an end. We overcame many obstacles this year, including a Mayan apocalypse. The world is currently at a pivotal point in our cyclical history. Populations are becoming more aware of the tyrannical and fascist natures of their governments as information is more accessible due to the incredible technological advancements of our age. This also means those evil individuals whom wish to usurp the power we hold in our hands in order to serve their ill will are attempting to oppress our innate desire for the expression of our self, the soul.
http:// www.merriam-webster.com/ dictionary/family
http:// dictionary.reference.com/ browse/FAMILY?s=t
We are all part of the family of Homo sapiens. Within our immediate environments we have our own brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, cousins, aunts, uncles, dear friends, and other loved ones. No matter what religion, race, or ethnicity you are this is true. People yearn for the companionship and compassion of those around them. There is much turmoil in the world right now which prevents a majority of our kind from alleviating themselves from the solitude of a lonely heart. Unfortunately the decisions of our governments, (those whom we have supported as leaders), have chosen poorly, inflicting much harm onto this world and its denizens. Do not let this history of violence, arrogance, and ignorance persuade you that there is no possibility for a new direction of enlightenment and prosperity for all, not one.
On the horizon is a new age full of promise. The world is becoming connected globally. Seeds of corruption in the hearts of men are becoming more visible, and the decay caused by their infamy is being presented to the masses because of our ability to see. Let us uproot the fear, hatred, and ignorance that have prevented the progression of our people toward our potential. When we decide to be idle, to live in apathy and lethargy, we are not only giving up on our own self, but that of our posterity. This world needs us to wake up and open our eyes. Stockpiling weapons and ammunitions to respond violently will only cause unnecessary death. My Sisters, My Brothers, lets us walk through 2013 with love and kindness in our hearts for not just those within our immediate vicinity, but for all those belonging to this family. Let us raise Les Miserables from the hollows of their graves so we may restore our humanity to grace.
With much Love,
Laron R. Lemon.
We are all part of the family of Homo sapiens. Within our immediate environments we have our own brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, cousins, aunts, uncles, dear friends, and other loved ones. No matter what religion, race, or ethnicity you are this is true. People yearn for the companionship and compassion of those around them. There is much turmoil in the world right now which prevents a majority of our kind from alleviating themselves from the solitude of a lonely heart. Unfortunately the decisions of our governments, (those whom we have supported as leaders), have chosen poorly, inflicting much harm onto this world and its denizens. Do not let this history of violence, arrogance, and ignorance persuade you that there is no possibility for a new direction of enlightenment and prosperity for all, not one.
On the horizon is a new age full of promise. The world is becoming connected globally. Seeds of corruption in the hearts of men are becoming more visible, and the decay caused by their infamy is being presented to the masses because of our ability to see. Let us uproot the fear, hatred, and ignorance that have prevented the progression of our people toward our potential. When we decide to be idle, to live in apathy and lethargy, we are not only giving up on our own self, but that of our posterity. This world needs us to wake up and open our eyes. Stockpiling weapons and ammunitions to respond violently will only cause unnecessary death. My Sisters, My Brothers, lets us walk through 2013 with love and kindness in our hearts for not just those within our immediate vicinity, but for all those belonging to this family. Let us raise Les Miserables from the hollows of their graves so we may restore our humanity to grace.
With much Love,
Laron R. Lemon.